Monday, December 23, 2013

My First Try: A Haibun

Under The Invisible Boulder

In this little room, lies piles of loneliness, fear, sadness, and frustration of shattered dreams and hopes being covered continually by smiles, laughs, friendly greetings and jokes that usually bogus.  Out there, many beautiful things can be seen and enjoyed, the greenish trees, kittens playing, children smiling, bird singing freely, and hearing others sharing their dreams while reminiscing my own broken dreams slammed by the hands of the protector claiming my dreams were poisonous that vigorous enough to plague the entire humanity, the population who unconsciously and coiling a belt to their own neck.  Me, in this little room, ought to do something, just standing still, like a tree in the center of civilization.

In this tiny room...
Looking above...
Thinking when I could lift... 
This invisible boulder...

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